Diablo View PE Dept. Policies

PE Expectations

  • Change into proper PE clothes and athletic shoes that support the feet during activities

  • Fully participate in warmup run, exercises, and all activities

  • Stay in a supervised area

  • Treat people, equipment, and facilities with respect

  • Keep food and drink in your backpack

  • It is recommended you put your backpack and all belongings in your locker.

  • Make sure that all of your valuables are secured with a lock. DVMS is not responsible for lost items!

  • No electronic devices will be allowed during PE class!

  • Complete periodic fitness related assignments

    Grading Policies

    Daily Activities

Students are expected to be actively engaged in each activity to receive full credit.

Dress Code

PE Uniforms must be worn every day, with tied athletic shoes. Shirts or sweatshirts must be ash gray and shorts or sweatpants must be royal blue.

Make- Up Work

Students must complete one of the following make-up assignments for each day missed in class

  1. Activity Log

  2. Nutrition Log

  3. Fitness or Health Article Summary

Medical Excuses

A parent note may excuse a student for a maximum of 3 days. After three days, a doctor’s note is required.

A parent not must include students name, specific reason for student to be excused and a parent signature


Students must follow all school class, locker room and gym rules established at DVMS

Mile/Fitness Day (Wednesdays)

Wednesdays are fitness days at Diablo View. On these days we will practice and assess fitness levels. I.e. Mile Runs, Partner Runs, Pacer Runs, Fitness Tests, and various fitness workouts.